Defining Cassandra Indexes

The following properties are applicable to a Cassandra Index object.




Additional Information


Physical Name

Displays the physical name of the table index




Displays the table index type



Physical Only

Specifies whether to have the index appear in the physical model only. If you want the index to appear in the logical model as a key group, clear the check box




Generates SQL during forward engineering. Clear the check box if you do not want to generate SQL


  Custom Index Specifies whether the index is a custom index  
General Column Specifies the index column  
Collection Type Specifies the collection type of the index

Full: Indicates that the index is created on a full frozen collection

Keys: Indicates that the index is created on map collection keys

Values: Indicates that the index is created on map values

Entries: Indicates that the index is created on map entries

Custom Index Options Using Specifies an analyzer class For example, StorageAttachedIndex, org.apache.cassandra.index.sasi.SASIIndex
Properties Specifies the analyzer options  
Partition Keys Specifies partition key of the index Available for a PK type index
Clustering Keys Specifies the clustering keys of the index Available for a PK type index