Defining ArangoDB Views

The following properties are applicable to an ArangoDB View object.




Additional Information

  Name Specifies the name of the view  
  Database Specifies the database where the view is created  
  Generate Specifies whether a DDL statement is generated for the view during forward engineering  
General Consolidation Policy Species the consolidation policy that is applied for selecting segments to be merged  
View Type Specifies the type of the view  
CleanupIntervalStep Specifies the number of commits for which ArangoDB must wait between removing unused files in the ArangoSearch data directory  
CommitIntervalMsec Specifies the time in milliseconds for which ArangoDB must wait between committing view data store changes and making documents visible to queries  
ConsolidationIntervalMsec Specifies the time in milliseconds for which the ArangoDB must wait between applying consolidation policy to consolidate view data store and possibly release space on the filesystem  
PrimarySortCompression Specifies how the primary sort data is compressed  
WritebufferActive Specifies the maximum number of concurrent active writers or segments that perform a transaction  
WritebufferIdle Specifies the maximum number of segments or writers cached in the pool  
WritebufferSizeMax Specifies the maximum memory in byte size per writer or segment before a writer or segment flush is triggered  
Links Entity Specifies the collection name  
Analyzers Specifies the analyzer that should be applied to values of processed document attributes  
Fields Specifies an object of fields that should be processed at each level of the document  
includeAll Fields Specifies whether all document attributes are processed  
storeValues Specifies a property that determines how the view should track attribute values

Valid values are:

none: Indicates that meta data values are not stored in the view

id: Indicates that information about value presence are stored to enable use of the Exists() function

trackListPositions Specifies whether value position in arrays are tracked for array values  
inBackground Specifies whether the source collection is available (no exclusive lock is used) during view index creation