Defining ArangoDB Collections

The following properties are applicable to an ArangoDB Collection object.




Additional Information

General Physical Name Specifies the physical name of the collection  
Collection Type Specifies the collection type

Document: Indicates that the collection type is document

Edge: Indicates that the collection type is edge

isSystem Specifies whether the collection is a system collection

True: Indicates that the collection is a system collection

False: Indicates that the collection is a non-system collection

Wait For Sync Specifies whether the data is synchronized to disk before returning from document create, update, replace, or removal operation

True: Indicates that the data is synchronized to disk before returning from document create, update, replace, or removal operation

False: Indicates that the data is not synchronized to disk before returning from document create, update, replace, or removal

numberOfShards Specifies the number of shards for the collection  
Replication Factor Specifies the number of copies of each shard that are kept on different DB-servers  
Write Concern Specifies the number of copies of each shard that are required to be in sync on the different DB-servers The value here must not be larger than the value in Replication Factor.
Smart Join Attribute Specifies an attribute that determines the attribute of the collection that must contain the shard key value of the referred-to SmartJoin collection  
Shard keys Specifies an attribute that determines which document attributes are used to determine the target shard for documents  
Sharding Strategy Specifies the sharding strategy for the collection

community_compat: Indicates that the default sharding used in ArangoDB Community Edition available before version 3.4 is executed

enterprise_compat: Indicates that the default sharding used in ArangoDB Enterprise Edition available before version 3.4 is executed

enterprise_smart_edge_compat:Indicates that the default sharding used by smart edge collections in ArangoDB Enterprise Edition available before version 3.4 is executed

hash: Indicates that the default sharding used for new smart edge collections (starting from version 3.4) is executed

enterprise_hash_smart_edge: Indicates that default sharding used for new smart edge edge collections (starting from version 3.4) is executed


Wait For Sync Replication Specifies whether the server must send the success report only when all replicas create the collection

True: Indicates that the server sends the success report only when all replicas create the collection

False: Indicates that the server doesn't care about full replication before sending the success report

Distribute Shards Like Specifies an attribute that binds the specifics of sharding for the newly created collection to follow that of a specified existing collection  
Enforce Replication Factor Specifies whether the server must check if enough replicas are present at creation time

True: Indicates that the server checks if there are enough replicas available at creation time

False: Indicates that the server doesn't check for replicas at creation time

KeyOption Type Specifies the key generator type

AutoIncrement: Indicates that numerical keys are generated in ascending order. Also, initial offset and the spacing can be configured.

Traditional: Indicates that the numerical keys are generated in ascending order

Padded: Indicates that the generated keys are of fixed length in ascending lexicographical sort order

Uuid: Indicates that the generated keys are unique 128 bit keys and they are not lexicographically sorted. These keys are stored in hexadecimal human-readable format.

User Key Specifies whether the supply of own key values in the _key attribute of a document is allowed

True: Indicates that it is allowed to supply own key values in the _key attribute of the document

False: Indicates that it is not allowed to supply own key values in the _key attribute of the document

Increment Specifies the increment value for the autoincrement key generator This option is used only when KeyOption Type is set to AutoIncrement.
Offset Specifies the initial offset value for the autoincrement key generator This option is used only when KeyOption Type is set to AutoIncrement.
Comment Update Entity Definition to Match Specifies whether the entity definition should be updated to match comments  
Schema Validator   Specifies the schema attached to the collection  
Volumetrics Initial Row Count Specifies the initial number of row for the collection  
Max Rows Specifies the maximum allowable number of rows that the collection is designed to hold This option is used along with the Grow By Month option to determine when a collection will reach its designed row limit.
Growth By Month Specifies the estimated number of rows added in a month If you have a maximum row number in the Max Rows field, collection growth will stop at that row number.