Reviewing Prerequisites

You can use any of the following combinations to install erwin Data Modeler (erwin DM), the Mart database, and erwin Mart Portal:

  • Install erwin DM, the Mart database, and erwin Mart Portal on the same computer.

  • Install erwin DM, the Mart database, and erwin Mart Portal on different computers.

  • Install erwin DM and the Mart database on one computer, and install erwin Mart Portal on a different computer.

  • Install erwin DM on one computer, and install the Mart database and erwin Mart Portal on a different computer.

Refer to the following tables for minimum system requirements.



Additional Information


  • VM or Dedicated Physical Server
  • Windows-based workstation
  • 100 GB of disk space or more as required to support your specific mart
  • Processor - 64-bit, minimum 4 cores
  • RAM:
    • Only erwin Mart Portal: 16 GB
    • Both erwin Mart Portal and erwin ER360: 32 GB


Operating System

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2022
  • All current Microsoft Windows critical updates



  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017, 2019, and 2022. You can also use Microsoft SQL Azure and Amazon RDS SQL Server.
  • Oracle 18c, 19c, 21c, and Oracle Cloud
  • PostgreSQL 12.x, 13.x, 14.x, 15.x, and 16.x. You can also use PostgreSQL for Amazon RDS.
  • For DM Connect for DI, the minimum SQL Server version requirement is SQL Server 2016 SP2

SQL Server:

  • The Mart Portal can use a standalone or can share an existing database server for a Microsoft SQL Server.
  • The SQL Server 2017 and 2019 TRUSTWORTHY database property is no longer required for the mart. After you install this product, you can optionally reset this property to OFF.
  • The database user account that is used to configure the Mart must have the dba_owner role assigned.
  • (Optional) To use the Korean language, use the Korean_wansung_CI_AS character set. Select the character set while creating the Mart database (in the Collation field). For more information, see the SQL Server documentation.


  • The Mart Portal can use a standalone or can share an existing database server for an Oracle database. You can also use a pluggable database.
  • To create the Mart, you must be the database schema owner user and you must have the DBA role in the target database on the Oracle server. The DBA role is required for the user who is specified in the Configure Mart Portal dialog. If the DBA privilege of this user is revoked, then erwin DM users will not be able to save model changes to the Mart.
  • (Optional) You have modified the following parameters in the initialization file (InitSID.ora):
  • (Optional) To use the Korean language with the Mart database, use KO16MSWIN949 or AL32UTF8 character set depending on your operating system language pack. For more information, see the Oracle documentation.
  • If the Mart database is an Oracle database, the default tablespaces that were used for initializing any earlier release of r9 series Mart are available for the latest release.


  • The Mart Portal can use a standalone or can share an existing database server for PostgreSQL.
  • The database user account that is used to configure the Mart must have super user permissions.

erwin Mart Portal Web Client - Browser

Latest versions of the following browsers:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Apple Safari


Web Client Workstation

  • Processor - i3 or higher
  • RAM - 8 GB minimum
  • Minimum Free Space - 1-2 GB


Web Server

Apache Server 2.4.62





MartPortal Services

In the C:\Program Files\erwin\Mart Portal\create_service.cmd, update the RAM size setting to increase the RAM in MBs:

reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\erwinMartPortal\Parameters" /v Application /d "\"%JRE_HOME%\bin\java.exe\" -Xms2048m -Xmx10240m -Dlogging.config=\"file:C:\Program Files\erwin\Mart Portal\MartApp\config\log4j2-portal.xml\" -jar \"C:\Program Files\erwin\Mart Portal\MartApp\MartPortal.jar\"" That is, (2GB –10GB)


ER360 Services

In the C:\Program Files\erwin\Mart Portal\create_service.cmd, update the RAM size setting to increase the RAM in MBs as follows:

reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\erwinER360\Parameters" /v Application /d "\"%JRE_HOME%\bin\java.exe\" -Xms2048m -Xmx10240m -Dlogging.config=\"file:C:\Program Files\erwin\Mart Portal\MartApp\config\log4j2-er360.xml\" -jar \"C:\Program Files\erwin\Mart Portal\MartApp\ER360.jar\"" That is (2GB - 10GB)


Vault Services

In the C:\Program Files\erwin\Mart Portal\create_service.cmd, update the RAM size setting to increase the RAM in MBs:

reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\erwinVaultService\Parameters" /v Application /d "\"%JRE_HOME%\bin\java.exe\" -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m -Dlogging.config=\"file:C:\Program Files\erwin\Mart Portal\MartApp\config\log4j2-vaultservice.xml\" -jar \"C:\Program Files\erwin\Mart Portal\MartApp\vaultservice.jar\"" That is, (2GB –4GB)


Ensure that you always install erwin Mart Portal on Windows operating system.

Other requirements

Ensure that the following additional requirements are met:

  • The DBMS is installed and prepared for creating the Mart Database.
  • The Mart database is created. At least one user with administrator privileges is present. You have run the initial queries on the Oracle database. For more information about the initial queries, see the Implementation Guide.
  • If you want to add Windows Group users as Mart users, you have the Active Directory Server details.

    You can add Windows Group users as normal Mart users, but not as Mart administrators. A Mart administrator must be a server or Windows user.

Important disclaimer notice on all requirements:

  1. The requirements that are mentioned previously define the minimum requirements which permit the application to run with reasonable performance based on a small business use case scenario. The actual requirements for an enterprise-wide use case based on larger models and configurations require significantly greater resources to obtain acceptable performance.
  2. These requirements are based on actual physical hardware (no virtual environment) and the following assumptions:
    • Minimal to no network overhead (both the database and application servers are locally installed)
    • Vendor's default install of the current version of their software (with all current service or fix packs)
    • No other applications sharing the defined hardware configuration (for example, a clean machine)

    Any other hardware/software configurations are acceptable as long as they provide the same (or better) performance characteristics identified.