Generating Reports from Object Browser

You can generate reports of the information displayed in the Object Browser in CSV, HTML, and PDF formats. You can then use or share these reports.

To generate reports, follow these steps:

  1. On the Object Browser, click Generate Report.

  2. Select the report format.
    The Generate Report dialog box appears.

    The available tabs and properties depend on the report format.

  3. Set the necessary report properties. Refer to the following table for property descriptions.



    Description Additional Information
    Generate Location Specifies the location where the generated reports will be saved  


    Entity Report

    View Report

    Index Report

    Relationship Report

    Specifies the reports to be generated

    Available only when the report format is Text/CSV
    Open after generating Specifies whether the report should be opened once generated  

    Customize Report Details

    Specifies the section titles and content appearance of the report

    Available only when the report format is PDF

    Available only when the report format is PDF


    Report Logo

    Specifies the logo to be used in the report

    Logo Position Specifies the location of the logo in the report
    Alignment Specifies the logo's alignment
    Custom Report Specifies whether the report uses custom colors for the Diagram Header, Row/Column Title, and Table Headers
    Select ER Diagram Format Specifies the ER diagram's file format
    Page Size Specifies the reports page size setting

    Report Template

    Specifies the template to be used to generate the report

    Available only when the report format is HTML
    Customize Report Details Specifies the report's sections, section content, and section definition
    Text/CSV Text Qualifier Specifies the text qualifier character to be used to identify cell or text field contents Available only when the report format is Text/CSV
    Delimiters Specifies the delimiter to be used