Defining Teradata Table Triggers
The following properties are applicable to a Teradata Table Trigger object.
Tab |
Property |
Description |
Additional Information |
Name | Specifies the name of the trigger | ||
Database | Specifies the database or user to which the trigger belongs | ||
Insert | Specifies whether to execute the trigger on INSERT | ||
Delete | Specifies whether the trigger is executed on UPDATE | ||
Update | Specifies whether the trigger is executed on DELETE | ||
Fire | Specifies when the table trigger is executed |
Before: Indicates that the trigger is executed before the occurrence of the trigger event After: Indicates that the trigger is executed after the occurrence of the trigger event |
Trigger Fire Order | Specifies the order to fire the triggers | ||
Enabled State | Specifies the status of the trigger |
Enabled: Indicates that the trigger is enabled Disabled: Indicates that the trigger is disabled |
Use Replace Syntax | Specifies whether the REPLACE syntax is used | Selecting this option replaces the syntax with the new DDL that is generated during Forward Engineering | |
Generate | Specifies whether a DDL statement is generated for the table trigger during forward engineering | ||
General | Scope | Specifies the scope of the trigger |
Statement: Indicates that the trigger fires for each qualified statement Row: Indicates that the trigger fires for each qualified row |
New | Specifies the name to use to reference the post-change data in the table | You can use the %RefClause macro to include the REFERENCES clause in the trigger. | |
New Table | Specifies the name for the new row | ||
Old | Specifies the name to use to reference the pre-change data in the table | You can use the %RefClause macro to include the REFERENCES clause in the trigger. | |
Old Table | Specifies the name of the old row | ||
When Clause | Specifies the condition on when to trigger | ||
Old New table | Specifies the name of the old new transition table | ||
Old Value | Specifies an alias to reference specific old value columns of the row in the old new transition table | ||
New Value | Specifies an alias to reference specific new value columns of the row in the old new transition table | ||
Valid-Time Qualifier | Specifies the valid-time qualifier to define temporal properties |
Current Valid-Time: Indicates that the query applies to only data that is currently in effect Sequenced Valid-Time: Indicates that the query applies to only data that is in effect for a specified time period Non-Sequenced Valid-TIme: Indicates that the tables are treated as non-temporal, and valid-time dimension is ignored |
Transaction-time Qualifier | Specifies whether the trigger is non-temporal in the transaction-time dimension |
Non-Temporal: Indicates that the transaction-time qualifier is non-termporal. Available only when Valid-Time Qualifier is Current. |
Referential Integrity Constraints | Specifies the relationships and tables associated with the trigger | ||
Trigger Update | Specifies the valid columns that can have a trigger fired when updated | Available when the trigger is set to execute on UPDATE | |
Code | Specifies the template code of the trigger that can include SQL statements and macros | ||
Expanded | Expanded Code (Read Only) | Specifies the expanded code of the trigger | |
Context | Specifies the table or view for which the expanded code must be generated | ||
Comment | Specifies comments about the trigger object |
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