Defining Parquet Fields

The following properties are applicable to a Parquet Field object.




Additional Information

General Domain Parent Specifies the domain parent of the selected field  
Physical Name Specifies the physical name of the selected field  
Physical Data Type Specifies the date type of the selected field  
Physical Only Specifies whether the selected field is included in the physical model only  
PII Specifies whether the selected field contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII)  
Datatype Annotation Specifies the logical types to define how data is decoded and interpreted

You can enter a data type annotation or select an available option in the Annotation list.

Repetition Level Specifies the repetition attribute of the field

Optional: Indicates exactly one occurrence of the field

Required: Indicates zero or one occurrence of the field

Repeated: Indicates zero or more occurrences of the field

Value Specifies the physical value of the selected field