Defining Neo4j Relationships

The following properties are applicable to a Neo4j Relationship object.




Additional Information

  Parent Specifies the parent node of the relationship  
  Child Specifies the child node of the relationship  
  Physical Only Specifies whether the relationship is generated only in the physical view of the model  
  Generate Specifies whether a DDL statement is generated for the node during forward engineering  
General Type Specifies the relationship type

Identifying: Indicates that the child entity is dependent on the parent entity for its identity and cannot exist without it

Non-Identifying: Indicates that one instance of the parent entity is related to multiple instances of the child entity

Null Option Specifies the null option in case of Non-Identifying relationships

Available only when Type is set to Non-Identifying

Nulls Allowed: Indicates that the foreign key within the child entity accepts null values

Nulls Not Allowed: Indicates that the foreign key within the child entity does not accept null values

Physical Name Specifies the physical name of the relationship  
Relationship Type Specifies a user-defined type of relationship between the parent and child nodes  
Properties Specifies the additional identifying property of the relationship  
Cardinality Specifies the number of child entity instances that each parent entity is connected to

Zero, One or More: Indicates that each parent in the relationship is connected to zero, one, or more instances of the child entity

One or More (P): Indicates that each parent in the relationship is connected to one or more instances of the child entity

Zero or One (Z): Indicates that each parent in the relationship is connected to zero or one instance of the child entity

Cardinality Value Specifies the cardinality value of the relationship  
Role Name Key Group Specifies the primary key index that migrates from the parent table to the child table in the current relationship  
Migrated Column Specifies the primary key field that is migrated from the parent table to the child  
Logical Role Name Specifies the logical role name for the selected primary key field  
Role Name Specifies the role name for the selected primary key field  
RI Actions Child Delete Rule Specifies the referential integrity trigger action that occurs when data in the child entity is deleted  
Child Insert Rule Specifies the referential integrity trigger action that occurs when data is inserted to the child entity  
Child Update Rule Specifies the referential integrity trigger action that occurs when data in the child entity is updated  
Parent Delete Rule Specifies the referential integrity trigger action that occurs when data in the parent entity is deleted  
Parent Insert Rule Specifies the referential integrity trigger action that occurs when data is inserted to the parent entity  
Parent Update Rule Specifies the referential integrity trigger action that occurs when data in the parent entity is updated  
Trigger Template Child Delete Trigger Template Specifies the referential integrity trigger template that is used when data in the child entity is deleted  
Child Insert Trigger Template Specifies the referential integrity trigger template that is used when data is inserted to the child entity  
Child Update Trigger Template Specifies the referential integrity trigger template that is used when data in the child entity is updated  
Parent Delete Trigger Template Specifies the referential integrity trigger template that is used when data in the parent entity is deleted  
Parent Insert Trigger Template Specifies the referential integrity trigger template that is used when data is inserted to the parent entity  
Parent Update Trigger Template Specifies the referential integrity trigger template that is used when data in the parent entity is updated  

Any properties applied to text of relationship type has no impact in the model view.