Defining Neo4j Global Indexes

The following properties are applicable to a Neo4j Global Index object.





Additional Information

    Database Specifies the database to which the global index belongs  
    Generate Specifies whether a DDL statement is generated for the global index during forward engineering  
    Type Specifies the type of the global index  
    Entity Type Specifies the entity type that the global index represents  


Label List/Relationship List Labels/Relationships Depending on the entity type associated with the global index, specifies the labels or relationships that the global index represents  
Property List Properties Specifies a list of properties of the global index  
LabelsOrTypes LabelsOrTypes Depending on the entity type associated with the global index, specifies the label or the relationship type to which the global index is applied


  If Not Exist Specifies that if the global index already exists, no exception is thrown, and no action happens  
  Index Options Specifies the options passed to the CREATE command  
  Script Specifies the CREATE command of the global index