Defining Google BigQuery Materialized Views

The following properties are applicable to a Google BigQuery Materialized Views object.




Additional Information

  Dataset Specifies the dataset to which the materialized view belongs  
  If Not Exists Specifies that if the materialized view already exists, no exception is thrown, and no action happens  
  Generate Specifies whether a DDL statement is generated for the materialized view during forward engineering  
General Enable Refresh Specifies whether automatic refresh is enabled  
Expiration Timestamp Specifies the exact time when the materialized view expires, in milliseconds, enclosed in quotes  
Refresh Interval Minutes Specifies the exact time, in minutes, for the refresh interval  
Friendly Name Specifies a user-friendly name for the materialized view, enclosed in quotation marks  
Label List Specifies an array of labels for the materialized view, expressed as key-value pairs  
Clustering Column Specifies materialized view columns for clustering  
Physical Data Type Specifies the data type of the selected column  
Partitions Column Specifies materialized view columns for partitioning


Physical Data Type Specifies the data type of the selected column  
Ingestion Options Specifies the option to partition by ingestion timestamp

PARTITIONDATE: Indicates partition by ingestion time with daily partitions

PARTITIONTIME: Indicates partition by ingestion time for each row

Partition Expression Options-Scheme Specifies how the associated table is partitioned

DATE: Indicates partition by ingestion time with daily partition

DATE_TRUNC: Indicates partition by a DATE column with the specified partitioning type

TIMESTAMP_TRUNC: Indicates partition by ingestion time with the specified partitioning type

DATETIME_TRUNC: Indicates partition by a DATETIME column with the specified partitioning type

RANGE_BUCKET: Indicates partition by an integer column with the specified range

Partition Expression Specifies an expression that determines how to partition the associated table based on the value of the Ingestion Options


Select Available Tables and Views Specifies a list of available tables and views Under Available Tables and Views, select the columns that you want to define as view columns. Then, click .
Columns Specifies the columns selected from the available tables and views
Select Type Specifies the expression type to indicate whether duplicate rows are returned

All: Indicates that the statement returns all rows, including duplicate rows

Distinct: Indicates that the statement discards duplicate rows and returns only the remaining rows

Alias Specifies a temporary name given to a table, column, or expression present in a query based on the selected column


Expression Specifies the expression for a selected column Available only when the selected column is a user-defined function expression
From Available Tables and Views Specifies a list of available tables and views that can be used in the materialized view Under Available Tables and Views, select the tables or views from which you want to select view columns. Then, click .
From Specifies the selected tables and views
Alias Specifies an alternate name for the selected table or view

If the value of an object property is of the Function type, do not enclose the value in quotation marks.