Defining Couchbase Global Indexes

The following properties are applicable to a Couchbase Global Index object.




Additional Information

  Primary Index Specifies whether the index is a primary index  
General Parameters Specifies index keys for the index Available for both primary and secondary indexes
Sort Order Specifies whether the sort order of the index key is ascending or descending Available for both primary and secondary indexes
Where Clause Specifies the where condition to include a subset of documents in the index Available for both primary and secondary indexes
Using GSI Specifies whether the secondary index utilizes a global secondary index (GSI) Available for both primary and secondary indexes
Partition Clause Specifies the hash clause of the partition Available only for a secondary index
Nodes Specifies a string array of node names Available for both primary and secondary indexes
Defer Build Specifies whether the create index operation defers building a GSI index Available for both primary and secondary indexes
Number of Replica Specifies the number of index replicas to be created Available for both primary and secondary indexes
Number of Partition Specifies the number of the index partitions Available only for a secondary index
Combined index KeySize Specifies average length of all the combined index keys Available only for a secondary index
Document KeySize Specifies average length of the document keys Available only for a secondary index
Array Size Specifies average length of the array fields in documents Available only for a secondary index
Number of Document Specifies the number of documents in the index Available only for a secondary index
Resident Ratio Specifies the memory usage of the index, as a percentage of its estimated data size Available only for a secondary index