Defining Couchbase Full Text Indexes
The following properties are applicable to a Couchbase Full Text Index object.
Tab |
Section |
Property |
Description |
Additional Information |
General | Type Identifier | Identifier Type | Specifies whether the Identifier is JsonTypeField, DocIDSeparator, or DocIDRegex |
JsonTypeField: Indicates that a document-field is used by the index to determine the type of the document DocIDSeparator: Indicates that the characters in the ID of each document up to the delimiter is determined by the index to be the type of the document DocIDRegex: Indicates that a resulting value obtained by the index by applying a regular expression to the ID of each document is determined to be the type of the document |
JsonTypeField | Specifies the required field name to determine the document type |
Available only when the Identifier Type is set to JsonTypeField The documents that contain the specified field name are included in the index as same type of the document. |
DocIDSeparator | Specifies the delimiter of a required document ID to determine the document type |
Available only when the Identifier Type is set to DocIDSeparator The documents that have the same value of document ID up to the delimiter are included in the index as the same type of document. |
DocIDRegex | Specifies the regular expression that the index applies to the document ID to determine document type |
Available only when the Identifier Type is set to DocIDRegex The documents that give same values when the index applies the specified regular expression on their document IDs are included in the index as the same type of document. |
Type Mapping | Type Mapping | Specifies the type name | ||
Analyzer | Specifies the analyzer for the type mapping | |||
Only index specified fields | Specifies whether only specified fields are included in the index | |||
Custom Options | Analyzers | Analyzer | Specifies the custom analyzer name | This can be a user-defined name. For example, OurCustomAnalyzer. |
Character Filter | Specifies the character filter of the custom analyzer | For example, html: removes the html elements in the input strings | ||
Token Filter | Specifies the filter that is used to process tokens in the token stream provided by the tokenizer | For example, apostrophe: removes apostrophe and all the characters after it | ||
Tokenizer | Specifies the mechanism to be used to create tokens from the input strings | For example, web: creates tokens by removing html tags | ||
Character Filters | Character Filter | Specifies the custom character filter name | This can be a user-defined name. For example, Whitespace. | |
Type | Specifies the custom character filter type | For example, regexp: Uses a regular expression to match characters that should be replaced with the specified replacement string | ||
Regular Expression | Specifies the regular expression of the custom character filter | For example, [\t]: The character filter uses this expression to match characters that should be replaced with the specified replacement string. | ||
Tokenizers | Tokenizer | Specifies the custom tokenizer name | This can be a user-defined name. For example, QuestionmarksAndDashes. | |
Type | Specifies the custom tokenizer type | For example, regexp: creates tokens using a regular expression specified in Regular Expression | ||
Regular Expression | Specifies the regular expression of the custom tokenizer | For example, '/[-?]' | ||
Token Filters | Token Filter | Specifies the custom token filter name | This can be a user-defined name. For example, lengthFilter. | |
Type | Specifies the custom token filter type | For example, length: removes tokens that are too short or too long for the token-stream | ||
Word Lists | Word List | Specifies the name of the custom word list | This can be a user-defined name. For example, MyWordList. | |
Words | Specifies the words to be excluded from the current search | For example, powerful flexible scalable open. | ||
Date Time Parser | Name | Specifies the name of the custom date time parser | This can be a user-defined name. For example, MyDateTimeParser. | |
Layouts | Specifies the format of the reference time | |||
Advanced Options | Default Type | Specifies the default type for the bucket | ||
Default Analyzer | Specifies the default analyzer to be used for the bucket | |||
Default Date Time Parser | Specifies the default date/time parser to be used for the bucket | |||
Default Field | Specifies the default field for the bucket | |||
Store Dynamic Fields | Specifies whether the field-content is included in the returned results | |||
Index Dynamic Fields | Specifies whether the dynamic fields are indexed | |||
Code | Specifies the JSON definition of the full text index |
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