Defining Couchbase Buckets

The following properties are applicable to a Couchbase Bucket object.




Additional Information


Memory Size Specifies the memory allocated to the bucket in megabytes  
Bucket Type Specifies whether the bucket type is Couchbase, Memcached, or Ephemeral  
Replica Number

Specifies the number of servers to which the bucket's data is replicated

Available only when Bucket Type is set to Couchbase or Ephemeral. Valid values are:

  • 0: Indicates that no replicas of the bucket are created
  • 1: Indicates that one replica of the bucket is created
  • 2: Indicates that two replicas of the bucket are created
  • 3: Indicates that three replicas of the bucket are created
Replicate View Indexes

Specifies whether view indexes are replicated

Available only when Bucket Type is set to Couchbase

Specifies the maximum time in seconds that a document can exist in a bucket

Available only when Bucket Type is set to Couchbase or Ephemeral
Compression Mode Specifies the compression mode to be used for the data in a bucket

Available only when Bucket Type is set to Couchbase or Ephemeral

OFF: Indicates that Couchbase Server compresses only document values when persisting to disk

PASSIVE: Indicates that Couchbase Server does not make any additional attempt to compress documents that are not in a compressed format

ACTIVE: Indicates that Couchbase Server actively attempt to compress those documents too that are not in a compressed format

Conflict Resolution Specifies the conflict resolution method to resolve conflicts during Cross Data Center Replication (XDCR)

Available only when Bucket Type is set to Couchbase or Ephemeral

Sequence: Indicates that conflicts are resolved by referring to sequence numbers of the documents. The document with the higher sequence number prevails.

Timestamp: Indicates that the conflicts are resolved by using the timestamps of the documents. The document with more recent timestamp for its update prevails.

Eject(Evict) Method Specifies the memory-cache ejection method of the bucket

Available only when Bucket Type is set to Couchbase

ValueOnly: Ejects only data

Full: Ejects data, metadata, key, and value

Ejection Policy Specifies the ejection policy of the bucket

Available only when Bucket Type is set to Ephemeral

NoEviction: Indicates that the existing data is not ejected even when cache is full and attempts to cache new data are disallowed

NruEviction: Indicates that the data that is not used recently is ejected when the cache is full

Bucket Priority Specifies the priority of this bucket's background tasks over the background tasks of other buckets Available only when Bucket Type is set to Couchbase or Ephemeral
Start Time (HH:MM) Specifies the start time of the interval in which compaction is executed Available only when Bucket Type is set to Couchbase
End Time (HH:MM) Specifies the end time of the interval in which compaction is executed Available only when Bucket Type is set to Couchbase
Database Fragmentation (Percent) Specifies the minimum database fragmentation in percentage required to initiate compaction Available only when Bucket Type is set to Couchbase
Database Fragmentation (MB) Specifies the minimum database fragmentation in megabytes required to initiate compaction Available only when Bucket Type is set to Couchbase
View Fragmentation (Percent) Specifies the minimum view fragmentation in percentage required to initiate compaction Available only when Bucket Type is set to Couchbase
View Fragmentation (MB) Specifies the minimum view fragmentation in megabytes required to initiate compaction Available only when Bucket Type is set to Couchbase
Purge Interval Specifies the number of days after which the metadata of the expired or deleted items is deleted permanently Available only when Bucket Type is set to Ephemeral or Couchbase
Abort Compaction Specifies whether compaction is aborted when it exceeds the specified interval Available only when Bucket Type is set to Couchbase
Parallel Compaction Index View Specifies whether database and view compaction run concurrently Available only when Bucket Type is set to Couchbase
Flush Specifies whether the flush operation is permissible on the bucket

The indexCompactionMode property for a Couchbase Bucket is not supported in erwin Data Modeler.