
Here is the signature for the ReverseEngineerScript function:

HRESULT ReverseEngineerScript ([in]ISCPropertyBag * PropertyBag, VARIANT Locator,
VARIANT Disposition);

The following table contains the valid arguments for the ReverseEngineerScript function:


Valid Type/Value



ISCPropertyBag * - Pointer to a Property Bag object.

Contains options for reverse engineering.


VT_BSTR - Full path to a storage location.

Provides the path to the reverse engineering script file.

Use the Schema option to reverse engineer a model from a JSON schema. This option is only available for JSON.


VT_BSTR - List of keywords parameters.

Specifies a schema or a blank value as an option for RES.

The following table contains the valid arguments for the PropertyBag parameter.


Valid Type/Value




Default: Null

Reverse engineers the tables that contain the input filter strings. Multiple filter strings are specified as comma separated values.





Default: None

Specifies the case conversion option for physical names.


25045: None

25046: UPPER

25047: lower


Default: None

Specifies the case conversion option for logical names.


VT_BOOL-- True or False.

Default: None

Infers primary key columns for the tables that are based on defined indexes.

True: Primary Keys option is selected.

False: Primary Keys option is not selected.


VT_BOOL-- True or False.

Default: False

Infers the relationships between tables that are based on either primary key column names or defined indexes.

True: Relations Option is selected.

False: Relations Option is not selected.


VT_BOOL-- True or False.

Set the value to Indexes or Names when Infer_Relations is set to Relations.

Default: False.

Infers the relationships from the table indexes.

True: Indexes option is selected.

False: Names option is selected.


VT_BOOL--True or False.

Default: True.

Removes erwin generated triggers.

True: Remove Include Generated Triggers.

False: Do not remove Include Generated Triggers.


VT_BOOL--True or False.

Default: Force

Overrides the physical name property for all objects in logical/physical models automatically during reverse engineering.

True: Force physical name option.

False: Do not force physical name option.

Use Scripts with API while Reverse Engineering:

Use a JSON or SQL scripts with API while reverse engineering.

Reverse Engineering Script Sample:

Dim oAPI
Set oAPI = CreateObject("ERwin9.SCAPI.9.0")

Dim oPropertyBag
Set oPropertyBag = CreateObject("ERwin9.SCAPI.PropertyBag.9.0")
'Create LP model with Database as MongoDB
Call oPropertyBag.Add("Model_Type", "Combined")
Call oPropertyBag.Add("Target_Server", 1075859196)
Call oPropertyBag.Add("Target_Server_Version", 4)
'Create Persistence Unit
Dim oPUnitCol
Set oPUnitCol = oApi.PersistenceUnits
'Create Propertybag
Dim oPersistenceUnit
Set oPersistenceUnit = oPUnitCol.Create(oPropertyBag)

'Clear all propertybag objects

'Call oPropertyBag.Add("Synch_Table_Filter_By_Name", "listingsAndReviews")
Call oPropertyBag.Add("Case_Option", 25090)
Call oPropertyBag.Add("Logical_Case_Option", 25045)
Call oPropertyBag.Add("Infer_Primary_Keys", False)
Call oPropertyBag.Add("Infer_Relations", False)
Call oPropertyBag.Add("Infer_Relations_Indexes", False)
Call oPropertyBag.Add("Remove_ERwin_Generated_Triggers", False)
Call oPropertyBag.Add("Force_Physical_Name_Option", False)
'Reverse Engineer the MongoDB DB

The following example refers to JSON models when the option is Blank Value:

Call oPersistenceUnit.ReverseEngineerScript(oPropertyBag, "C:\ERWIN_PROJECT\Issue_Scripts\MongoDB_MCL\MongoDB_JSON2_4.json", "")

The following example refers to JSON models when the option is Schema:

'Call oPersistenceUnit.ReverseEngineerScript(oPropertyBag, "C:\ERWIN_PROJECT\Issue_Scripts\MongoDB_MCL\MongoDB_JSON2_4.json", "Schema"))

'Save the RE'd model  
Call oPersistenceUnit.Save("C:\TEMP_JPMC\MongoModelREDB_RES.erwin", "OVF=Yes")