Deploying erwin Data Intelligence Suite (DI Suite)
To deploy erwin DI Suite WAR file, follow these steps:
- Unzip the erwin DI Suite installation package.
- Navigate to the WAR folder.
- Copy the erwinDISuite.war file.
- Open the webapps folder in Apache Tomcat installation folder. For example, C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\webapps.
- Place the erwinDISuite.war file.
An erwinDISuite folder is created. - Go to erwinDISuite > WEB-INF > database folder.
- Edit the file and do the following:
- Add credentials to connect to Oracle/SQL Server database/schema.
- Set the PasswordEncrypted property to false.
For more information on configuring database properties, refer to the Configuring Database Properties for SQL Server and Configuring Database Properties for Oracle topics.
Alternately, you can configure erwin DI Suite to use LDAP/Active Directory. Refer to the Configuring LDAP/Active Directory Logon topic.
- Restart the Apache Tomcat server.
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