Updating Map Spec Overview

You can edit Map Spec Overview page and update various aspects of a mapping specification which includes:

  • Specification name and its description
  • Version label
  • Mapping states and sub-states
  • Syncing metadata with a mapping specification
  • Job name XRef

To update Map Spec Overview tab, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > Data Catalog > Mapping Manager.
  2. Under the Workspace Mappings pane, click the required map.
  3. At the bottom of the central pane, you can locate the Additional Mapping Information pane.

  4. Expand the Additional Mapping Information pane.
  5. The Map Spec Overview tab appears.

  6. Click .
  7. Select or enter appropriate values in the fields. Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory. Refer to the following table for field descriptions.
  8. Field Name


    Specification Name

    Specifies the mapping specification name.

    For example, EDW_PROD_IDS_Benefits_Detail.

    For more information on naming conventions, refer to the Best Practices section.

    Version Label

    Specifies the version label of the mapping specification.

    For example, EDW_PROD_IDS_Benefits_Detail (Alpha).

    For more information on configuring version display of maps, refer to the Configuring Version Display topic.

    State Name

    Specifies the mapping state of the mapping specification.

    For example, In Progress.

    You can add a state name in the Mapping Manager Settings.

    Sub State Name

    Specifies the sub-state of the mapping specification.

    For example, Needs Approval.

    You can add a sub state in Mapping Manager Settings.

    Sync Source Metadata

    Switch Sync Source Metadata to ON to sync source metadata with the mapping specification.

    Sync Target Metadata

    Switch Sync Target Metadata to ON to sync target metadata with the mapping specification.

    Job Name XRef

    Specifies the equivalent ETL mapping name.

    For example, ErwinDIS931.


    Specifies the description for the mapping specification.

    For example: This is a map between EDW source and IDS target systems.

    Note: You cannot edit Map Id, Workflow Status, and Map Specification Version.

    For more information on workflow status, refer to the Managing Mapping Manager Workflows topic.

  9. Click .
  10. The fields in the Map Spec Overview tab are updated.