Merging Changes into Parent Mappings

After making the desired changes in a child map you can merge it with a parent mapping. You can also notify project users about the merge through email notifications.

To merge child maps with parent maps, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > Data Catalog > Mapping Manager.
  2. Right-click a parent map.
  3. Click Merge Mapping.
  4. The Merge Map page appears.

  5. Select a child map.
  6. Click .
  7. The following page appears showing the changed data with respect to the parent map. There are two options to include the changes:

    • Overwrite the parent map
    • Create a new version of the parent map
  8. Use the following options:
    Overwrite existing version

    Select the Overwrite existing version to overwrite the existing version.

    Create New Version
    Select Create New Version to create new version of the parent map.
  9. Enter relevant Mail Comments.
  10. Click .
  11. The parent map is merged.

    If you enable notifications in the Mapping Manager Settings the project users receive mail comments through an email notification. For more information on configuring notifications, refer to the Configuring Notifications topic.