Defining Transformations

You can define transformations which can be used as business rules and extended business rule transformations in a mapping specification.

To define transformations, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > Data Catalog > Mapping Manager.
  2. Under the Workspace Mappings pane, click the Transformations node.
  3. The Transformation Details page appears.

  4. Click .
  5. The Transformation Rule Editor page appears.

  6. Switch Published to ON to publish the transformation.
  7. Enter appropriate values in the fields. Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory. Refer to the following table for field descriptions.
  8. Field Name


    Transformation Name

    Specifies the unique name of the transformation.

    For example, ASCII.


    Specifies the scope of the transformation.

    For example, All Projects.

    ETL Option

    Specifies the ETL option.

    Valid values are:

    • BODS Pseudocode
    • SSIS Pseudocode
    • Informatica Pseudocode
    • ODI Pseudocode
    • Talend Pseudocode

    You can configure ETL option list and add or remove an ETL option from the list.

  9. Switch Replace Transformation Name with Pseudocode to ON to replace the transformation name with pseudocode.
  10. Place the cursor in the Pseudocode box and type a pseudocode or use Ctrl + Space to select a pseuducode.
  11. Note: You can use multiple pseudocode for a transformation.

  12. Click .
  13. A new transformation is added under the Transformations node.

The transformations can also be uploaded in bulk using MS Excel file.

You can manage transformations by:

  • Editing transformation details
  • Running impact analysis on transformations
  • Viewing history of transformations

You can also add or remove ETL Options from the global transformation library, for more information on this, refer to the Configuring Transformation Library topic.