Defining Project Specific Transformations

You can define project specific transformations which would be available for a specific project in the Mapping Manager.

To define project specific transformations, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > Data Catalog > Mapping Manager.
  2. Under the Workspace Mappings pane, click the Transformations node under a project.
  3. The Transformation Details page appears.

  4. Click .
  5. The Transformation Rule Editor page appears.

  6. Switch Published to ON to publish the transformation.
  7. Enter a unique transformation name. For example, ASCII.
  8. Select an ETL option. For example, BODS Pseudocode.
  9. Switch Replace Transformation Name with Pseudocode to ON to replace transformation name with pseudocode.
  10. Place the cursor in Pseudocode box and type a pseudocode or press Ctrl-Space to select a pseudocode.
  11. Click .
  12. The transformation is available for the selected project.