Creating Projects

Projects store and categorize maps in a hierarchy, Projects > Mappings. You can create a project, specific to an ETL tool and specify:

  • Project description
  • Project manager
  • Business sponsor
  • Cost center
  • IT sponsor

To create projects, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > Data Catalog > Mapping Manager.
  2. Under the Workspace Mappings pane, right-click the Projects node.
  3. Click Create Project.
  4. The Create Project page appears.

  5. Enter appropriate values in the fields. Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory. Refer to the following table for field descriptions.
  6. Field Name


    Project Name

    Specifies the name of the project.

    For example, Data Lake Migration.

    For more information on naming conventions, refer to the Best Practices section.


    Specifies the description of the project.

    For example: The project contains the mapping specifications for the sales data migration.

    Project Manager Name

    Specifies the project manager's name.

    For example, John Doe.

    Business Sponsor Name

    Specifies the business sponsor of the project.

    For example, ABC Consulting Services.

    Project ETL

    Specifies the ETL tool assigned to the project.

    For example, Informatica Pseudocode.

    Cost Center

    Specifies the cost center of the project.

    For example, Finance and Accounting.

    IT Sponsor Name

    Specifies the IT sponsor of the project.

    For example, XYZ IT Services.

    Enable display of Transformation without pseudocode

    Specifies whether the transformation is displayed without pseudocode.

    Switch Enable display of Transformation without pseudocode to Yes to display transformation without pseudocode.

  7. Click Save and Exit.
  8. A new project is created and stored in the project tree.

Once a project is created, you can do the following: