Opening Business View

You can have a concise view of the mappings with an ability to instantly generate lineage
and impact analysis. This is an alternate view for both workspace and published maps.

To open business view of mappings, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > Data Catalog > Mapping Manager.
  2. Under the Workspace Mappings pane, expand the desired project node.
  3. Expand the Mappings node.
  4. Right-click the desired map.
  5. Click Mapping Alternate View.
  6. The Mapping Summary page appears.

  7. Use the following options:
    Export ()
    To download the mapping summary, click .
    Share Link ()
    To share the link of the mapping summary, click .
  8. Click a table name which appears as hyperlink and use the following options:
    The Table Details page appears showing the Impact Analysis of the table.
    Forward Lineage
    Use this option to view the forward lineage of the table.
    Reverse Lineage
    Use this option to view the reverse lineage of the table.
    Data Quality
    Use this option to profile the data in the table and generate various data profile reports. For more information on profiling data, refer to the Profiling Data at Table Level topic.
    Extended Properties
    Use this option to view the extended properties of the table.
    Test Specification
    Use this option to view test cases related to the table.
    Workflow Log
    Use this option to view the workflow status of the table.
    Use this option to list columns of the table.
    Table properties
    Use this option to view the table properties.
    Use this option to add documents related with the table.
  9. Click a column which appears as hyperlink and use the following options:
    The Column Details page appear showing the Impact Analysis of the column.
    Forward Lineage
    Use this option to view the forward lineage of the column.
    Reverse Lineage
    Use this option to view the reverse lineage of the column.
    Extended Properties
    Use this option to view the extended properties of the column.
    Valid Values
    Use this option to view the associated codesets with the column.
    Workflow Log
    Use this option to view the workflow log status of the column.
    Column Properties
    Use this option to view the column properties.
    Use this option to view the uploaded documents related to the column.