Base-lining Projects

Base-lining a project will bring all maps in the project to the same version. You can base-line all the maps in a project and record change description and notify all the project users and send mail comments to them.

To base-line a project, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > Data Catalog > Mapping Manager.
  2. Under the Workspace Mappings pane, right-click a project.
  3. Click New Baseline.
  4. The New Baseline page appears.

  5. Enter Version Label, Change Description, and Mail Comments.
  6. For example:

    • Version Label - Beta. For more information on version display, refer to the Configuring Version Display topic.
    • Change Description - Business rule for all the source column was changed to ASCII.
    • Mail Comments - The target update strategy needs to be updated. For more information on notifying project users, refer to the Configuring Notifications topic.
  7. Click .
  8. The project is base-lined and all the maps in the project now have the same version. Project users receive email notifications about the base-lining and mail comments, if you enable notifications for it. For more information on configuring notifications, refer to the Configuring Notifications topic.