Managing Enterprise Tags

Managing enterprise tags involves:

  • Viewing mind maps
  • Editing enterprise tags
  • Deleting enterprise tags
  • Viewing history

To manage enterprise tags, use the following options available on the Tags Listing page, under the Options column:

View Mind Map ()
Use this option to view an enterprise tag's mind map. A mind map displays the pictorial representation of the enterprise tag, its associations, relationships, and more in a logical and conceptual view.

Use the following options to work on the mind map:
  • Reload Diagram ()
    Use this option to reload the mind map.
    Expand Diagram ()
    Use this option to expand the mind map to view the associated assets.
    Reset Diagram to Original View ()
    Use this option to collapse the expanded nodes and restore the mind map to its original form.
    Export ()
    Use this option to export the mind map. Hover over Export and use the following options:
    Mind Map - Excel Report:
    Use this option to download the mind map in the XLSX format. Ensure that you expand the mind map before downloading the report.
    Mind Map - Image:
    Use this option to download the mind map as an image, in .jpg format. Ensure that you expand the mind map before downloading the mind map image.
    Sensitivity Details - Excel Report:
    Use this option to download the sensitivity report of all associated assets in the XLSX format. This report includes sensitive data indicator (SDI), SDI classification, and SDI description of the associated assets.
    For more information on mind maps, refer to the Viewing Mind Maps topic.
  • Edit ()
    Use this option to enrich an enterprise tag by defining description, scope, and so on.
    Delete ()
    Use this option to delete an enterprise tag that is no longer required.
    View History()
    Use this option to view all the actions performed on an enterprise tag since it was created.