
You can create Snowflake environment by providing the necessary connection parameters.

Before creating a Snowflake environment, ensure that you have the following:

  • Prerequisites
  • JDBC driver configuration
  • TLS connection configuration
  • JDBC connection parameters


To establish a connection, ensure that you have:

  • Created a dedicated service account for erwin with Metadata read-only privileges in Snowflake database
  • Snowflake Database ports, 443 and 80, available via firewall to accept connections from erwin Data Intelligence (erwin DI) application server

JDBC Driver Configuration

Currently Snowflake JDBC driver is not packaged with erwin DI application. Hence, you can download it here.

Once downloaded, copy the Snowflake drivers to the following location on the erwin DI application server:

\Apache Software Foundation\<Tomcat X.X>\webapps\erwinDISuite\WEB-INF\lib

TLS Connection Configuration

Snowflake JDBC driver version 3.1.x and above implement TLS v1.2 and provide the latest security patches on the protocol. Once configured, the connection uses TLS 1.2 encryption by default.

  • If required, you can add SSL Parameter in the JDBC connection string as follows:
  • JDBC Connection Parameters

    The Connection Properties tab displays the connection parameters to establish connection for Snowflake database connection.

    Once the connection parameters are entered, use these options to go to the next tab, test the connections, save and continue, or save and exit.

  • Enter appropriate values in the fields (connection parameters). The fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory.

    Field Name


    Driver Name

    Specifies the JDBC driver name for connecting to the database.

    For example, com.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver

    IP Address/Host Name

    Enter <accountname>

    For example,

    DBMS Name/DSN

    Enter the Snowflake database name.

    For example, AW2012_DV.


    Specifies the port to connect with the database.

    443 is the default port for the Snowflake database. You can change it, if required.

    User Name

    Enter the Snowflake (Service account) username.

    For example, shawn.


    Specifies the full JDBC URL that is used to establish a connection with the database.

    It is autopopulated based on the other parameters.

    For example,



    Enter the Snowflake (Service account) password.

    This field is available only when Use KeyPair is not selected.

    Save Password

    Specifies whether the password is saved

    DBMS Instance Schema

    Specifies the schema of the database.

    Use this option to select multiple or narrow down to single schema.

    Use KeyPairSpecifies whether key pair authentication is used to connect. Click to configure key pair. For more information, refer to the Configuring Key Pairs topic.

    Connection Pool Type

    Specifies the connection pool type being used to connect via JDBC.

    For example, HIKARICP and BONECP.

    Number of Partitions

    Specifies the number of partitions of the database.

    It is autopopulated with default number of partitions. You can edit and provide the number of partitions as required. For example, 1.

    Minimum Connections Per Partitions

    Specifies the minimum connections per partitions of the database.

    It is autopopulated with default minimum connections per partitions. You can edit and provide the minimum connections per partitions as required. For example, 3.

    Maximum Connections Per Partitions

    Specifies the maximum connections per partitions of the database.

    It is autopopulated with default maximum connections per partitions. You can edit and provide the maximum connections per partitions as required. For example, 5.

  • To use database options, click (Options).

  • The Database Options page appears. It displays the available database options.

    Select keys and double-click the cells under the Value column to set the values of the keys. Click to save the database options.