Adding Validation Rules

You can define a validation rule in the form of SQL queries and use it to validate reference tables.

To add validation rules, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > Data Catalog > Reference Data Manager.
  2. In the Workspace pane, click the Validation Rules node.
  3. The Validation Rule Grid page appears.

  4. Click .
  5. The New Validation Rule page appears.

  6. Enter appropriate values in the fields. Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory. Refer to the following table for field descriptions.
  7. Field Name


    Validation Name

    Specifies the name of the validation rule.

    For example, Incorrect_Object_ID.

    Validation Description

    Specifies the description about the validation rule.

    For example: This validation rule validates the ERWIN_SALES reference table.

    Validation Rule

    Specifies the SQL query of the validation rule.

    For example: select * from ERWIN_SALES where ID = 1000000.

  8. Click .
  9. The validation rule is created and saved in the Validation Rule Grid.

Use the following options to work on the Validation Rule Grid page:

Validation Rule ()

Use this option to view validation rule queries.

Edit ()

Use this option to update validation rules.

Delete ()

Use this option to delete validation rules that are no longer required.

Once a validation rule is added, you can:

  1. Associate it with a reference table
  2. Run validation against the reference table