Setting Code Value Grids

You can set Code Value Grid for a profile with respect to:

  • Header menu
  • Column order
  • Column visibility

To set Code Value Grids, follow these steps:

  1. In the Profiles pane, click a profile.
  2. By default, the Overview tab opens.

  3. Click the Codeset Manager tab.
  4. Click .
  5. Use the following options:
    Header Menu ()
    Use this option to set the column visibility in the header menu.
    To set the column visiblity, click and select the required columns.
    Change Column Order ()
    Use this option to set the column order.
    To set the column order, click and then drag and drop the columns in the required order.

    Reset Column Ordering ()
    Use this option to reset the column order.
    Reset Column Visibility ()
    Use this option to reset the column visibility.
  6. Click .
  7. The Code Value Grid is set for the profile.

    The user can select a profile in the Codeset Manager to view the Code Value Grid.