Updating Additional Mapping Information

You can update additional mapping information in the Additional Mapping Information pane with respect to the following tabs:



Map Spec Overview

Under this, you can update the following for a mapping specification:

  • Specification name
  • Version label
  • State name and sub-state name
  • Source and target metadata sync
  • Job Name XRef

Source Extract SQL

Under this, you can update:

  • SQL Query relevant to a mapping specification
  • SQL Query Description

Target Update Strategy

Under this, you can set your target update strategy as per your data integration requirements.

Testing Notes

Under this, you can add relevant testing notes with respect to a mapping specification.

Map Specs Docs

Under this, you can upload relevant documents.


Under this, you can assign a mapping specification to multiple users.

Specification Artifacts

Under this, you can link additional specification artifacts relevant to a mapping specification.

Level of Effort

Under this, you can record planned level of effort and actual level of effort in creating mapping and ETL process.

Change Log

This tab can be enabled in Mapping Manager Settings. Under this, you can capture change logs of a mapping specification.

Release Information

Under this, you can view release information of a mapping.

My Action Center

Under this, you can collaborate with other users on a task.

User Defined Tabs (1-5)

There are five user defined tabs that can be used by you with your own UI labels.

Extended Properties

Under this, you can extend properties of a mapping specification by creating custom forms.

To access the Additional Mapping Information pane, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > Data Catalog > Mapping Manager.
  2. In the Workspace Mappings pane, click a map.
  3. The central pane displays the Mapping Specification grid. The Additional Mapping Information pane is available at the bottom of the central pane.

  4. Click the Additional Mapping Information pane.
  5. You can use or to navigate across the pane.