The following FAQs provide answers to your general queries related to erwin Data Intelligence Suite (DI Suite) license.

  1. How can I get the license key for erwin DI Suite?
  2. To obtain a license, contact erwin support by telephone, the web licensing form, or contact your license administrator. Provide the required information to submit a license request. Once your request is verified, you will receive a license key.

  3. If I sign a three year contract, is this license key valid for three years?
  4. No, the license key provided to you is valid only for a year. A new license key will be provided to you every year.

  5. Does erwin DI Suite provide concurrent-based software licensing?
  6. No, currently erwin DI Suite does not support concurrent-based software licensing. It supports named user-based software licensing.

  7. Does erwin DI Suite provide necessary reminders ahead of the license expiry?
  8. Yes, you can set reminder time frames and send reminder emails to responsible administrators within your organization. For more information on configuring license renewal reminders, refer to the Configuring License Renewal Reminders topic.

  9. What needs to be done if there is an issue with the license under a year?
  10. You can reach out to your erwin counterpart or contact erwin support by telephone or the web licensing form.

  11. How can I extend my license?
  12. To extend your license, contact your erwin counterpart or contact erwin support by telephone or the web licensing form.

  13. How to apply my license key?
  14. Please refer to the Obtain and Activate a License topic.