One to Many and Many to Many Mapping Specifications

You can map multiple source columns to a single or multiple target columns to create a mapping specification. After creating the mapping specification, you can set the target update strategy and enter a description about the strategy.

Creating Mapping Specifications

To create one to many or many to many mapping specifications, follow these steps:

  1. In the Workspace Mappings pane, click a map.
  2. By default, the Mapping Specification tab opens.

  3. Click .
  4. Switch to ON.
  5. The append mode is enabled. You can now drop multiple columns from the Metadata Catalogue pane in one row of the Mapping Specification grid.

  6. Drag one or multiple source columns from the Metadata Catalogue pane in the Mapping Specification grid under the Source Columns Name column.
  7. You can use Ctrl key to select multiple columns in the Metadata Catalogue pane.

  8. Drag single or multiple target columns from Metadata Catalogue in Mapping Specification under the Target Columns Name.
  9. Click .
  10. The mapping specification is saved.

    You can view the mapping specification on the Graphical Designer tab to view the graphical representation of the many to one mappings.

Setting Target Update Strategy

To set target update strategy, follow these steps:

  1. Expand the Additional Mapping Information pane and click the Target Update Strategy tab.
  2. On the Target Update Strategy tab, click .
  3. Click the required strategy, enter Update Strategy Description, and click .
  4. Click .
  5. The source to target mapping is saved.

You can enrich a mapping specification by:

After creating a mapping specification, you can analyze a mapping specification. Analyzing mapping specifications involves:

  • Generating virtual preview of target
  • Previewing data
  • Performing table gap analysis
  • Performing column gap analysis
  • Running impact analysis
  • Running lineage analysis
  • Running end to end lineage
  • Opening business view
  • Viewing mapping statistics